Tag Archives: who gets head lice

How kids get lice? What is best method for natural lice treatment?

Kids get lice when they meet for play, in schools, in social gatherings and also due to sharing of hair accessories. Lice-Nil lice eliminator oil is best for treatment.

Birthday Party is not for lice

With planning a birthday party for your kid, add another most important task that will be helpful for the annual social gathering. Yes, you guessed it right – check for head lice. This will assure that these tiny bugs don’t spoil the fun nor do they spread to other guests. This will save from getting the worst post-party text from other parents – “My child got lice after you party.”

Share carefully, don’t share lice

It is an accepted fact that lice spread through sharing of clothing or hair accessories. Hats, scarves, coats, hair ribbons or bands, combs and also stuffed animals, towels can be carriers of lice. When you need to share these among yourself, double check them for lice. This is effective if done from both ends, before sharing and before accepting. If one is using a shared locker for clothing, make sure the others have no lice infestations.

Share play-time, not lice

Head-to-head contact with infested kids is most common and sure way to spread head lice. Head-to-head contact is mainly occurs during play at school, at camps, at home, and social gathering where children like to play amongst themselves. If kids are involved in any kind of sports, parents need to make sure that they have their own gear. Keep a track that it is not passed on or shared with other children.

Natural Head Lice Treatment

Lice-Nil is a perfect blend of essential oils for head lice treatment. Neem oil kills lice and destroys nits. Coconut oil and tea tree oils help in repairing the damage and conditioning the hair. Lice-Nil is effective lice eliminator oil for natural head lice treatments.

Everything you need to know about Lice Infestation is here!

Lice infestation has been a nuisance amongst adults and kids alike. Read more about lice prevention, checking for lice and lice treatment.

How to check for head lice?

Head Lice, if detected, should be treated before they multiply. It is the best preventive measure for head lice. Lice detection should be done with nit detection too.

How long does lice infestation last?

There is no definitive period for which lice may last. If lice is not treated, it multiplies and spread creating more havoc. Treating lice can help get rid of lice within a week. Lice-Nil is a proper blend of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oils which kills lice and destroys nits too.

How does head lice spread?

Head lice come from person already having it to the person who is not affected by lice. They get transferred by direct contact or sharing of items like hair brushes, hats, scarves of infested persons.

What are the symptoms of Head Lice?

The main symptom of head lice is itching. It is mainly due to head lice biting and eating away the scalp. The one who has lice can feel the tiny bugs moving in the hair.

Checking for head lice

Head lice are usually self-diagnoseable. The person having lice can feel the lice crawling on head. The nits can also are seen visible on head in form of tiny dots.

Treating Head Lice

Head Lice treatment consists of anti-parasitic. Natural Head Lice treatments include use of natural oils like neem oil, tea tree oils and coconut oil. The chemical lice treatments are effective for only a small time and lice again come back. Nit-combing is another treatment you can do for eliminating head lice.

What to do if your kids are detected with lice infestation at school?

Parents get panicked when they come to about their kids head lice infestion. Read here to take proper action when kids are detected with head lice at school.

It is a living nightmare for parents and students when they come to know head lice infestation on their kids. Kids are not allowed to attend school till all the lice is gone. This is a lice preventive measure by the school such that lice doesn’t spread amongst other students.

What parents, usually, do when kids get head lice?

Parents, usually worried, use different OTC lice shampoos.They contain chemicals which kill lice and give fast relief. However, they are incapable to destroy nits. Moreover, the chemicals are harsh on sensitive scalps and develop side-effects. Another activity is ‘nit-combing’ with fine toothed comb. It is painful and tedious process. Some parents also cut the hair short with the myth that lice cannot survive on short hair.

What are head lice? How do they spread?

Head lice are small tiny insects that lice on scalp. The conditions on the scalp are favourable for lice to survive and multiply. They feed on blood and hence eat the scalp causing itches and irritation. They spread by head to head contacts while playing and other kids activities at schools. Lice can also spread by sharing of caps, hair-bands, hair rubbers etc that come in direct contact with head lice and get transferred. A single lice can lay about 80-90 eggs in the life span. The nits after hatching gives rise to colony of head lice.

What are natural head lice remedies for kids?

Head should be treated naturally with lice eliminator oils. These are nothing but neem oil, coconut oil, tea tree oils and olive oil. The former three oils are mixed in required proportion and available in US market under name – Lice-nil. It is 100% natural and most effective lice eliminator oil. Lice-nil not only kills lice, but also destroys nits. This natural lice treatment product is available on Amazon and Walmart online shopping portals.

All Head Lice FAQs are answered here!

Most of folks have less information on head lice about checks to perform, identification and lice treatments. All the required Head Lice know-how is available here.

How kids get head lice? How lice spreads?

Lice spread from head to head contact. A child who has head lice when comes in close contact with other kids, head lice spreads amongst others. They mainly spread at schools, camps, play areas. It is found majorly susceptible for kids aged from 5-12 years. Kids also get head lice due to sharing of products/accessories that come in direct contact with hair like hats, helmets, comb, hair clips, hair bands and clothing. The same is true for adults also.

How to check for head lice?

Itching is most common symptom of head lice. It occurs due to lice bites on scalp. Itching is majorly at back of ears, back of neck and towards the centre at the top. One can check with child if they feel the sensation of something crawling in the hair. White or pale yellow color lice eggs can be seen visible with magnifying glass or when roughly combed by nit comb. Careful inspection can help detect lice and, eventually, get rid of head lice and nits removal faster.

What is best lice treatment?

Natural head lice treatment is the best and most effective head lice treatment. Essential oils like coconut oil, neem oil and tea tree oils are the most used for head lice treatment. Rough combing of hair, usually referred to as ‘nit-picking’ is another home remedy for head lice.

Are lice contagious?

Yes, Lice is contagious. They spread from one person to other. This is the reason lice and nits should be treated immediately when spotted. This will help to get rid of lice fast and stop it from spreading.

How to prevent head lice?

There is no fool-proof method to prevent head lice. However, few steps can be adopted to prevent head lice.

  1. Make sure to teach kids to avoid head-to-head contacts during play.
  2. Teach them not to share hair accessories like hair bands, scarves, combs, brushes etc.
  3. Use essential oils when using shampoo on the hair like neem oil, tea tee oils and coconut oil
  4. Vacuum the pillows, sofa covers, car seats regularly. Wash bed linen if they have come in contact with someone having head lice

What are Alternative Ways to Eliminate Lice and Nits?

As lice is found to be immune to OTC medicines and chemical treatments, we curated a list of natural remedies for head lice. Read here now.

Over-the-counter medicines and chemical treatments are a big NO for parents as they have side-effects for it. Chemical free head lice treatment with natural products is what people are keen to know and try. They all may work or may not work, but are worth a try due to higher success ratio.

    • Tea Tree Oil lice treatment

Tea tree essential oil is one of the most talked about head lice treatments. Tea tree oil is mixed with other essential oils to make more effective natural head lice treatment oil. It is a natural insecticide and hence, repels lice. It has also been proved to suffocate head lice. Tea tree oil based lice treatments have a positive effect.

    • Garlic for lice

Bizarre, isn’t it? It is a known fact that garlic is loaded with natural antibacterial properties, has strong pungent smell. the flavour is intense too. so it becomes you choice whether to have a ‘garlic hair’ or not. garlic Garlic cloves finely ground into paste can be combined with olive oil or lime juice to apply to hair.

    • Mayonnaise lice cure

A sandwich ingredient that finds a place in everyone’s fridge. It is said to suffocate lice. The nits are also removed when the greasy mayo is taken off from hair using shampoo. The procedure is to apply overnight and thus comfortable night sleep is at stake.

    • Dog Shampoo

Dog shampoo is a cheap alternative against expensive lice treatments. It is not a chemical free head lice treatment. A lot of the ingredients found in lice shampoo treatments are commonly found in shampoo for pets. The ingredients found in pet shampoos is similar to what is found in lice shampoos.

    • Rough Combing

Combing with fine toothed comb has always been a home remedy for had lice, since ages. It is a tedious and rough task. A weekly check for head lice and weekly combing is recommended.

    • Coconut Oil for head lice

Coconut oil suffocates the head lice and kills them. Coconut oil also acts as a soothing agent on the scalp that is damaged by lice bites and irritated scratching. Coconut oil due to its greasy nature, doesn’t let head lice.

    • Neem Oil lice treatment

Neem Oil is widely used and commonly know for its medicinal properties. Neem oil is used as an insect repellent. It disrupts the life cycle of head lice and eliminates them. The nits are also destroyed by neem oil. Neem oil lice treatment can be done by mixing it with other essential oils like coconut oil and tea tree oils.

5 Head Lice Myths : Busted!

When you find lice, you become chaotic or embarrassed. Calm down and read more as head lice myths are busted here with effective head lice treatment.

    • Lice Myth 1:

Kids who get head lice need to stay at home until all lice and nits are cleared

Head Lice Myth buster :

Kids who get head lice should not be sent to school as there is a possibility that lice can spread to other children. Once all the alive head lice are gone, a child can be sent to school such that he/she doesn’t miss the studies. Nits if there will take more time to get off. Nits don’t jump from one head to other. However, nit picking should be done at home to fully eradicate lie threat.

    • Lice Myth 2:

Home remedies are effective.

Head Lice Myth buster :

Home remedies like wet combing, nit picking, hair dryer, vinegar, mayonnaise are said to be effective. However, there is no evidence that such techniques work. Essential oils for head lice treatment is best as they are natural. Some require mixing in proper proportions. Lice-Nil is head lice treatment oil available which effectively works for head lice removal.

    • Lice Myth 3 :

Poor hygiene hair gets lice

Head Lice Myth buster :

Lice is not a mark of hygiene. As daily shampoo will not assure that you wont get head lice. Lice jumps from one head to another, this is how you get head lice. So its is not about hair hygiene.

    • Lice Myth 4:

Only girls get head lice

Head Lice Myth buster :

Girls are more prone to get head lice as they have long hair. However, even boys can get head lice if they come in contact with it. Lice sticks to the strands of hair just close to the scalp. Hence, long or short hair has no effect on head lice infestation.

    • Lice Myth 5:

Only kids get head lice

Head Lice Myth buster :

Also, adults get head lice. If college goers or parents come in contact with head lice, they can also get it. So head lice is not an issue restricted to kids only. One should take proper care such that it does not get head lice.

Dandruff v/s head lice – What are the key differences?

There is lots of confusion whether one is infected by dandruff or infested by lice. Our experts at Lice-Nil clear this doubt giving useful brief information.

There arises loads of confusion when parents start checking their kids or adults themselves on youngsters for complaints of itching in scalp. The biggest confusion is whether the white thing spotted is dandruff or head lice eggs. Lice eggs or nits are same things, just two different names. Regardless of what it is, they have to invest a decent quantity of your time tearing their hair out to see what it actually is. Then, make an attempt for all types of remedies, be it chemical or natural head lice treatment methods. Let’s also bear in mind, there are different methods to gt rid of lice and cure dandruff.

Appearance Difference between Head Lice and Dandruff

How can one spot Head Lice in hair?

Lice eggs are small tiny particle-like, almost oval in shape within the hair and scalp. One can get mistaken but on careful examination, one can spot variations. If still not understood, one should seek help of hair expert to get the problem identified and resolved.


Also known as dermatitis, it is flaking of scalp skin. Dandruff scales will seem dry or oily, white or yellowish in color. They are dead skin flakes that show up prominently in your hair.

Causes Difference between Head Lice and Dandruff

How Head Lice Spreads?

Lice are parasitic insects that crawl and spread to others through close contact. Lice will crawl onto consumer goods, bedding, towels, and private things like combs and hair accessories.

Dandruff – Non-contagious inflammatory skin condition

Buildup of shampoo on the scalp, dry or oily skin, and response to unfavourable skin conditions are common causes of dandruff. Dandruff may be genetic, however you can’t “catch” it from your parents or siblings. It simply means some members near family could be at a doubt of carrying dandruff.

Symptoms Difference between Head Lice and Dandruff

What are Symptoms of Head lice?

Itchiness is that the commonest symptom related to each conditions. Lice prey on human blood and keep themselves near to hair roots on the scalp. The insects saliva is irritating, causing one to itch. One can actually feel that some one is walking or moving on the scalp and hair.

Dandruff Symptoms

Dandruff will itch if your scalp is incredibly dry. the foremost visible sign of each lice and dandruff is that the presence of white specks in your hair. Dandruff is straightforward to comb out. Lice eggs or nits attach themselves firmly on your hair shaft and square measure harder to get rid of.

Now you have learn the difference between head lice and dandruff, we can help you more on steps to check for head lice, flawlessly. Follow the guide to head lice removal and get rid of head lice with chemical-free natural ingredients.

How To Check If you have head lice?

A weekly check for head lice infestation is a best preventive measure. Read more about what are steps to check for head lice and their natural treatment options.

We would like to recommend that you follow our steps to check for head lice and do a preventative head check weekly. A fast head check done weekly is your best defence against a getting head lice and nits infestation. Check frequently and if you are positive to discover any infestation before the situation turns worse, you can easily eliminate without much trouble. The methods we describe are easy and will not eat much of your time.

  1. Start simply with a shower such that the hair is damp and wet.
  2. It’s best to use a detangler or lice comb (if you have) to do the job a bit easier. If you’re a former victim of head lice then you are likely to have effective lice treatment products. Lice-Nil is one such natural lice treatment oil which kills lice and destroys nits completely. It is 100% natural and contains ingredients like neem oil, coconut oil perfectly blended with essential tea tree oils. With comb or brush all hair back (like that of Elvis Presley).
  3. Use a nit comb remover flat against the top of the hair. Comb all hair straight back from on the point of the scalp, all the way down to the ends. Wipe comb on towel each five strokes to examine for nits/lice. Comb the entire head. Adult lice or big lice ought to be pretty obvious if you discover them, however, you would like a decent nit comb to check for the nits.

Useful Tip:

  • For short/medium hair: Comb all hair to right, then to the left and so from back to front. Repeat.
  • For long hair: Partition hair in center and divide into right/left sections. Pull one aspect into a hairdo and comb the opposite aspect. Switch sides and repeat.

If you discover proof of nits/lice there are many choices for treatment. Sadly, over the counter treatments by big brands have lots of chemicals. They are successful in treating lice but chemicals can harm your scalp skin. There are cases where lice have become resistant to harsh chemicals and it has no effect on them. Lice-Nil is of best help to such individuals.

You can also buy natural lice treatment product, Lice-Nil, online from Amazon.com and Walmart.com. Make a decision to fight lice the natural way with Lice-Nil, lice eliminator oil.

Effective Head Lice Treatment with ‘Who’ & ‘How’ of Head Lice Explained!

Here we discuss about the prevalence of head lice, who gets it and natural, effective Head Lice Treatment to avoid it. Read more Now.

Your kid getting head lice or hearing one of your child’s classmates has it, isn’t pleasant. There are parents from accross the globe worried to know and attempting to decipher:

  • The prevalence of head lice
  • Head Lice treatment
  • Way to avoid it

We have tried to produce answers to a number of these queries.

who gets lice and how- treatment explained

Who gets head lice?

To start with, you should know regarding lice is that they exist in each and every country, across all age groups and each strata of the society. There’s this a strong misconception of deeming someone to not being hygienically good to have head lice. We tend to get mistaken there. Anyone will get lice regardless of however sparkling clean or dirty they are. Finally, lice don’t prey on dirt, they prey on blood and live getting ready to the human scalp.

Girls or ladies are regarded notably infestation-prone thanks to hair length, which is long. However, some studies show that hair length has less impact on whether or not people have lice or not.
In western countries, there’s a rise in variety of head lice cases among kids after teh holiday season, probably as a result of contact with kids outside of the standard circle. Also, after they have travelled in vacation with thier families and spread head lice in school, become victims, due to contacts with head lice children.

How you get head lice?

The most common mode of transfer, of head lice, is head to head contact with already infected person. Going by this, children are at lost of risk of obtaining head lice as a result of head-to-head contact is common throughout play in school, reception or elsewhere.

Although uncommon, head lice may also spread through shared garments or belongings. This happens once lice travel, or nits connected shed hair hatch.
Dogs, cats or different pets play no role in spreading of head lice.

There is no existing and quick rule on ‘WHO‘ gets head lice and in which way. Anybody will catch head lice once it comes contact with infected person. There is no clear clue of how did it first begin at 1st place. For those that became a victim of head lice, here’s a bit one thing for you.

Best head lice removal treatment

Humans have an inclination to use chemical merchandise hurriedly. At first, it will surely work for them. We, however, powerfully advocate against it as a result of rather than treating your infection, you can your health triggering many unwanted side-effects. On the other hand, we propose a totally natural product for effective head lice treatment.

Lice-Nil, an easy, fast, lasting and all-natural lice eliminator oil is 100% effective against irritating very little creatures. Apply Lice-Nil in your hair for twenty minutes and wash it off with warm water.
With this, end you relationship with head lice.