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Preventing and Fighting Lice

Once you’ve effectively treated lice using Lice-Nil’s safe, all-natural formula, it’s important to guard against re-infestations. No one is immune to lice. To prevent a recurrence, be sure to eliminate hats, brushes and other contaminated items from the home. You should also discourage any head-to-head contact during sports, playground activities, sleepovers and camp. Thoroughly clean your home and wash items in hot water. Items that cannot be washed can be dry-cleaned or sealed in an un-ventilated plastic bag for at least two weeks. It’s rightly said, prevention of lice is the best lice treatment.

Because it is non-toxic and chemical-free, Lice-Nil can be used repeatedly, as a natural lice treatment oil, if anyone contracts a second infestation.

Lice-Nil – Natural Lice Treatment Oil Easily available

Buy Lice-Nil Online and In-stores across the U.S.

Recommended by medical professionals and trusted by moms, Lice-Nil is 100% head lice remedy that is safe and easy to use. All-natural ingredients kill lice and their eggs and prove to be the most effective head lice treatments. Being chemical free, health risks associated with chemical lice remedies doesn’t exist..

Our proven lice remedy has been tried and tested for nearly half a century. Whether you’re preparing for back-to-school season or treating head lice problem currently, try a safe, non-toxic solution and discover a lasting, effective result. Find Lice-Nil at,

Steps How It Works


Step One

Lice-Nil is an oil-based natural head lice treatment, so it spreads evenly through dry hair. Fully coat affected area.


Step Two

Let chemical free lice treatment formula sit on affected area for 20 minutes. The natural head lice treatment oil will start its work to eliminate both, lice and lice-eggs.

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Step Three

Wash hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo. Use a comb to remove any remaining dead lice and nits. Now, You have done the most effective lice treatment with natural ingredients of neem oil, tea tree oils and coconut oil.

The Lice-Nil Difference

The natural way to fight super lice

Various clinical trials have linked some of the chemicals used in common lice treatments to a number of serious health problems, including cancer, seizures, behavioral changes, attention deficit disorder and even death. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a Public Health Advisory (PHA) concerning the use of Lindane Shampoo and Lindane Lotion for the treatment of lice. Approved as a second-level treatment for lice, lindane is a chemical once used as an agricultural pesticide. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ultimately banned its use on crops due to health concerns. To the dismay of many, however, the chemical is still used in many head lice treatments.

While most over-the-counter lice remedies do not contain lindane, many do contain other types of pesticides that could have negative effects on certain people. According to the National Pediculosis Association’s registry, children who have been exposed to insect sprays or treated repeatedly for head lice could be at a higher risk for health problems if exposed to additional chemical lice treatments. What’s more, head lice pesticides are never appropriate for certain individuals, including women who are pregnant or nursing and children with allergies, asthma, or epilepsy.

Unlike common chemical lice remedies, Lice-Nil relies on powerful natural ingredients to take care of lice. Effective against even the most resistant strains of super lice, our patented formula kills lice and eggs in one treatment, without toxic build-up from repeat exposures or potentially harmful chemicals.

Various clinical trials have linked some of the chemicals used in common lice treatments to a number of serious health problems, including cancer, seizures, behavioral changes, attention deficit disorder and even death. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a Public Health Advisory (PHA) concerning the use of Lindane Shampoo and Lindane Lotion for the treatment of lice. Approved as a second-level treatment for lice, lindane is a chemical once used as an agricultural pesticide. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ultimately banned its use on crops due to health concerns. To the dismay of many, however, the chemical is still used in many head lice treatments.

While most over-the-counter lice remedies do not contain lindane, many do contain other types of pesticides that could have negative effects on certain people. According to the National Pediculosis Association’s registry, children who have been exposed to insect sprays or treated repeatedly for head lice could be at a higher risk for health problems if exposed to additional chemical lice treatments. What’s more, head lice pesticides are never appropriate for certain individuals, including women who are pregnant or nursing and children with allergies, asthma, or epilepsy.

Unlike common chemical lice remedies, Lice-Nil relies on powerful natural ingredients to take care of lice. Effective against even the most resistant strains of super lice, our patented formula kills lice and eggs in one treatment, without toxic build-up from repeat exposures or potentially harmful chemicals.

Chemical Free Lice Treatment is Worry-free

See the difference between chemical and natural lice treatments

Lice-Nil outperforms traditional chemical lice treatments because it works in an entirely different way. Typical chemical treatments work by directing efforts to the louse’s nervous system, but this doesn’t have an effect on eggs because they haven’t developed nervous systems yet. This then leads to a stressful combing process to remove the nits from the hair. And chemical treatments have almost no effect on super lice, which are lice that have developed resistance to even the harshest chemical treatments. Thus, chemical lice treatments fail to get rid of lice completely. But, because Lice-Nil works differently, it can kill both regular and super lice, with no chemical side effects because it’s all natural. Treat lice of adults and kids with Lice-Nil and keep the whole family lice-free, and worry-free with most effective natural lice treatment oil.

Power of Neem Extract For Head Lice Treatment

Natural neem oil effectively removes even the most resistant lice

The primary ingredient in Lice-Nil, neem extract, is a vegetable oil pressed from the seeds and fruits of the Azadirachta indica tree.One of the powerful natural remedies for lice remedy is safe and thus used for chemical free lice treatment. Neem oil lice treatment works by encapsulating and suffocating the lice and even penetrates the aeropyles (tiny openings) at the top of lice eggs. This blocks the oxygen flow to create carbon dioxide build-up and keeps the nits from forming any further. The result of this is complete lice and nits removal with help of lice eliminator oil.

How It Works

Trusted by moms and recommended by medical professionals, Lice-Nil is a fast, natural lice treatment that provides lasting results in only 20 minutes. Best of all, unlike common chemical lice remedies, Lice-Nil targets both the lice and their eggs to prevent recurrences.