Tag Archives: difference between lice and dandruff

Dandruff v/s head lice – What are the key differences?

There is lots of confusion whether one is infected by dandruff or infested by lice. Our experts at Lice-Nil clear this doubt giving useful brief information.

There arises loads of confusion when parents start checking their kids or adults themselves on youngsters for complaints of itching in scalp. The biggest confusion is whether the white thing spotted is dandruff or head lice eggs. Lice eggs or nits are same things, just two different names. Regardless of what it is, they have to invest a decent quantity of your time tearing their hair out to see what it actually is. Then, make an attempt for all types of remedies, be it chemical or natural head lice treatment methods. Let’s also bear in mind, there are different methods to gt rid of lice and cure dandruff.

Appearance Difference between Head Lice and Dandruff

How can one spot Head Lice in hair?

Lice eggs are small tiny particle-like, almost oval in shape within the hair and scalp. One can get mistaken but on careful examination, one can spot variations. If still not understood, one should seek help of hair expert to get the problem identified and resolved.


Also known as dermatitis, it is flaking of scalp skin. Dandruff scales will seem dry or oily, white or yellowish in color. They are dead skin flakes that show up prominently in your hair.

Causes Difference between Head Lice and Dandruff

How Head Lice Spreads?

Lice are parasitic insects that crawl and spread to others through close contact. Lice will crawl onto consumer goods, bedding, towels, and private things like combs and hair accessories.

Dandruff – Non-contagious inflammatory skin condition

Buildup of shampoo on the scalp, dry or oily skin, and response to unfavourable skin conditions are common causes of dandruff. Dandruff may be genetic, however you can’t “catch” it from your parents or siblings. It simply means some members near family could be at a doubt of carrying dandruff.

Symptoms Difference between Head Lice and Dandruff

What are Symptoms of Head lice?

Itchiness is that the commonest symptom related to each conditions. Lice prey on human blood and keep themselves near to hair roots on the scalp. The insects saliva is irritating, causing one to itch. One can actually feel that some one is walking or moving on the scalp and hair.

Dandruff Symptoms

Dandruff will itch if your scalp is incredibly dry. the foremost visible sign of each lice and dandruff is that the presence of white specks in your hair. Dandruff is straightforward to comb out. Lice eggs or nits attach themselves firmly on your hair shaft and square measure harder to get rid of.

Now you have learn the difference between head lice and dandruff, we can help you more on steps to check for head lice, flawlessly. Follow the guide to head lice removal and get rid of head lice with chemical-free natural ingredients.