Tag Archives: lice treatment tips

What are nits? How they look like? How to get rid of them?

Lice eggs are called as nits, are tiny oval shaped that look like white or yellowish-white specks. Know more here to get rid of them.

What does ‘nit’ looks Like?

Lice lay eggs to reproduce and form a colony on your head. Lice eggs, usually termed as ‘nits’ are like a small dot. They are often hard to see and pale yellow or yellowish-white in color. If you run your finger in the hair, you can feel hard shell of it. The are as tiny as grain of sand or tiny sesame seeds.

What to do you if spot a ‘Lice Nit’?

When you see a lice egg, the first is to get rid of it. Lice eggs usually hatch after 6-8 days of being laid. The conditions in the hair towards the scalp are very much favourable for them to survive and hatch. The only thing to be done is get rid of nits, completely.

How to get rid of nits?

The first thing you can do is use a nit comb. Wet you hair and do a rough combing for nit removal. You can also apply neem oil for nits, as it chokes the tiny opening of lice eggs and destroy them. Lice-Nil is 100% natural lice treatment oil which effective removes lice and nits.

With this, you can destroy lice at the very first stage and keep under control the spreading of infestation.

8 Natural home remedies for head lice that works!

Lice is a common nuisance all around the world. Head lice can be eliminated with these natural home remedies. Read most useful chemical-free head lice treatment advice now!

    1. Mayonnaise

This favourite spread of Americans finds a place in almost all household fridges. Mayonnaise is said to choke head lice and kill them. Apply this creamy stuff overnight and cover your head hair with shower cap. Next day rinse it with water and some kitchen detergent for all the grease to go away. Post to that wet combing with nit comb can get rid of lice. But the major issue here is, only lice are suffocated, the nits are still present and can hatch.

    1. Tea Tree Oil Lice Treatment

Tea tree oil has powerful antiseptic properties. It kills the lice. Although, there are a few combinations of other oils to be used with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil cannot be used as a single ingredient. Also, the nits remain intact and can hatch further. This is recommended 2-3 times a week.

    1. Coconut Oil Lice Treatment

Coconut oil is another most important ingredient found at home, which can be effectively used for head lice treatment. It spreads evenly and sticks to hair. Smothering technique useful in this case for head lice treatment. Also, coconut oil traps head lice from jumping and spreading, due to its sticky and greasy nature. Above all, it has a pleasant smell.

    1. Neem Oil Lice Treatment

Neem oil is said to have insecticidal and additional medicinal properties which helps get rid of lice fast. Neem oil is most trusted and proved head lice treatment oil. Neem oil needs to be applied with other essential oils to get rid of lice completely.

    1. Hair Dryer

Hair dryer will not kill all the head lice. If blown dry with maximum setting can destroy nits and kill a few of head lice. Although, there would always be a chance that few of lice fall off and others coming in contact with it can get infested with it.

    1. Wet Combing

Wet combing is another technique that one can do at home to get rid of head lice. It involves wetting of hair with water or conditioner and using fine toothed or nit comb. This needs repetition of 4-5 times a week until no lice or lice eggs are found. Wet combing is a very time consuming and it hurts very badly on sensitive scalp. It has to used in conjuncture with other treatments.

    1. Nit Picking

As the name suggests, this literally means picking each and every nit from you hair. You may use tools like nit comes, small brushes and normal bare fingers. This is tedious and time consuming process. This needs to be done repeatedly till all the nits and lice are taken out.

    1. Salt and Vinegar

Salt and vinegar combination is said to have proved successful for treating of head lice. Salt dehydrated the small lice whereas vinegar kills the young lice and nits. Though, this mixture has no effect on elder or grown lice. Vinegar only helps loosen the glue of head lice on hair strands. This methods needs combing after being done.

Lice Treatment Oil

As discussed above, there are many head lice remedies that you can do at home. Being 100% natural and no use of chemical or even products in some cases, can help remove head lice. Lice-Nil is one such natural head lice treatment oil. It has main ingredients of tea tree oil, neem oil and coconut oil. Lice-Nil is proportionate blend of three essential oils used for lice removal.

Few Additional Tips for eliminating Head Lice effectively!

Though all the information available to treat head lice, we present you a few additional tips that can help you eliminate and prevent head lice. Read Now!

Seek skilled help

Some people talk of home remedies for head lice, like tea tree oil, mayonnaise, neem oil, vinegar, saline spray and lots of others. These treatments very unhygienic, time intense and not supported by scientific proof. If you tried an over-the-counter head lice treatment that didn’t work, seek for skilled medical practitioner to treat head lice.

The best thing is you can try the trusted lice eliminator oil called Lice-Nil. It is best for chemical free head lice treatment and 100% natural.

Don’t Obsess Over Nits

A sensible rule of thumb is this: If no live creeping insects are seen 3 weeks after the treatment, it’s safe to assume that you simply are clear from lice. If nits were present and alive, they might have hatched. Nits and their shells could stay within the hair for a few time, else they would cease to survive.

Many head lice treatments target nits together with adult head lice. If you used a product like this, no hair-care is required, only you will need to remove the dead shells. Neem oil and coconut oil formula, in LiceNil, chokes the nits and destroys them completely.

Destroy Head Lice Habitat

Head lice needs a human scalp and hair to survive. If the hair is gone, there are less chances of head lice survival as the don’t get place to lice on. Cutting a child’s hair could seem like easy and an all extreme answer, however, what for adults? If your kid already gets short haircuts, it’s going to be for you to take care of head lice by destroying their home ground.

Keep a watch on Head Scratching

Unfortunately, there’s no verified head lice treatment that may stop your kid from obtaining head lice once more. The most effective you’ll be able to do is keep alert for suspicious head scratching. Itchiness is a sensitivity to chemicals present in louse’s spit. Not all youngsters can expertise itchiness promptly, however if they need had head lice before, they’re a lot of seemingly to begin itchiness sooner. Catching this behaviour early and treating it will assist you stop a head lice at its roots without spreading further.

Apply Lice-Nil Oil for 20 minutes and all the head lice is gone, at once. This is easy, safe way to kill lice and destroy nits completely.