Tag Archives: head lice treatment

Everything you need to know about Lice Infestation is here!

Lice infestation has been a nuisance amongst adults and kids alike. Read more about lice prevention, checking for lice and lice treatment.

How to check for head lice?

Head Lice, if detected, should be treated before they multiply. It is the best preventive measure for head lice. Lice detection should be done with nit detection too.

How long does lice infestation last?

There is no definitive period for which lice may last. If lice is not treated, it multiplies and spread creating more havoc. Treating lice can help get rid of lice within a week. Lice-Nil is a proper blend of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oils which kills lice and destroys nits too.

How does head lice spread?

Head lice come from person already having it to the person who is not affected by lice. They get transferred by direct contact or sharing of items like hair brushes, hats, scarves of infested persons.

What are the symptoms of Head Lice?

The main symptom of head lice is itching. It is mainly due to head lice biting and eating away the scalp. The one who has lice can feel the tiny bugs moving in the hair.

Checking for head lice

Head lice are usually self-diagnoseable. The person having lice can feel the lice crawling on head. The nits can also are seen visible on head in form of tiny dots.

Treating Head Lice

Head Lice treatment consists of anti-parasitic. Natural Head Lice treatments include use of natural oils like neem oil, tea tree oils and coconut oil. The chemical lice treatments are effective for only a small time and lice again come back. Nit-combing is another treatment you can do for eliminating head lice.

4 most effective essential oils for Head Lice Removal!

Know more about which of essential oils are good for lice treatment an which need to be mixed with others for effective lice treatment. Read Now.

  1. Tea tree oil for lice treatment

    Researchers from National Institutes of Health (NIH) states tea tree oil being an effective oil for head lice treatment. Lice and nits can be destroyed by insecticidal activity due to presence of two most important constituents of tea tree oils.Tea tree oil can either be mixed with shampoo or proportionately blended with olive oil or coconut oil. This can be applied for 30-40 minutes to scalp for lice removal.

  2. Neem oil for lice treatment

    Like tea tree oil, few studies say neem oil has all the good reasons to be an effective head lice treatment oil. The compounds in neem oil disturb the life cycle of head lice, making it natural lice repellent. Neem oil-based shampoos or few drops of bitter neem oil in normal shampoo can help wash off head lice and choke away nits.

  3. Lavender oil

    Lavender oil is one another effective and safe essential oil used in head lice treatment. However, it does not kill nits. Research tells that lavender oil is also very effective for head lice treatment for prevention of lice.

  4. Coconut Oil for head lice

Coconut Oil is greasy and can choke head lice to death. However, it does not have any effect on nits. Nit get sticky and can be removed with help of fine toothed nits comb. Coconut oil sticks and stop lice jumping from one head to other. Moreover, coconut oil smoothens the damaged scalp and helps healing faster.

Natural Lice Treatment Oil

Lice-Nil is a perfect blend of essential oils for effective lice treatment. It’s main ingredients are neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil. Lice-Nil is chemical free lice treatment methods. Apply Lice-Nil for 20 minutes and then rinse it. All the three essential oils of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil play their important and specific roles in lice removal. Rough combing followed by this procedure can help get rid of lice and lice eggs.

8 Natural home remedies for head lice that works!

Lice is a common nuisance all around the world. Head lice can be eliminated with these natural home remedies. Read most useful chemical-free head lice treatment advice now!

    1. Mayonnaise

This favourite spread of Americans finds a place in almost all household fridges. Mayonnaise is said to choke head lice and kill them. Apply this creamy stuff overnight and cover your head hair with shower cap. Next day rinse it with water and some kitchen detergent for all the grease to go away. Post to that wet combing with nit comb can get rid of lice. But the major issue here is, only lice are suffocated, the nits are still present and can hatch.

    1. Tea Tree Oil Lice Treatment

Tea tree oil has powerful antiseptic properties. It kills the lice. Although, there are a few combinations of other oils to be used with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil cannot be used as a single ingredient. Also, the nits remain intact and can hatch further. This is recommended 2-3 times a week.

    1. Coconut Oil Lice Treatment

Coconut oil is another most important ingredient found at home, which can be effectively used for head lice treatment. It spreads evenly and sticks to hair. Smothering technique useful in this case for head lice treatment. Also, coconut oil traps head lice from jumping and spreading, due to its sticky and greasy nature. Above all, it has a pleasant smell.

    1. Neem Oil Lice Treatment

Neem oil is said to have insecticidal and additional medicinal properties which helps get rid of lice fast. Neem oil is most trusted and proved head lice treatment oil. Neem oil needs to be applied with other essential oils to get rid of lice completely.

    1. Hair Dryer

Hair dryer will not kill all the head lice. If blown dry with maximum setting can destroy nits and kill a few of head lice. Although, there would always be a chance that few of lice fall off and others coming in contact with it can get infested with it.

    1. Wet Combing

Wet combing is another technique that one can do at home to get rid of head lice. It involves wetting of hair with water or conditioner and using fine toothed or nit comb. This needs repetition of 4-5 times a week until no lice or lice eggs are found. Wet combing is a very time consuming and it hurts very badly on sensitive scalp. It has to used in conjuncture with other treatments.

    1. Nit Picking

As the name suggests, this literally means picking each and every nit from you hair. You may use tools like nit comes, small brushes and normal bare fingers. This is tedious and time consuming process. This needs to be done repeatedly till all the nits and lice are taken out.

    1. Salt and Vinegar

Salt and vinegar combination is said to have proved successful for treating of head lice. Salt dehydrated the small lice whereas vinegar kills the young lice and nits. Though, this mixture has no effect on elder or grown lice. Vinegar only helps loosen the glue of head lice on hair strands. This methods needs combing after being done.

Lice Treatment Oil

As discussed above, there are many head lice remedies that you can do at home. Being 100% natural and no use of chemical or even products in some cases, can help remove head lice. Lice-Nil is one such natural head lice treatment oil. It has main ingredients of tea tree oil, neem oil and coconut oil. Lice-Nil is proportionate blend of three essential oils used for lice removal.

How To Check If you have head lice?

A weekly check for head lice infestation is a best preventive measure. Read more about what are steps to check for head lice and their natural treatment options.

We would like to recommend that you follow our steps to check for head lice and do a preventative head check weekly. A fast head check done weekly is your best defence against a getting head lice and nits infestation. Check frequently and if you are positive to discover any infestation before the situation turns worse, you can easily eliminate without much trouble. The methods we describe are easy and will not eat much of your time.

  1. Start simply with a shower such that the hair is damp and wet.
  2. It’s best to use a detangler or lice comb (if you have) to do the job a bit easier. If you’re a former victim of head lice then you are likely to have effective lice treatment products. Lice-Nil is one such natural lice treatment oil which kills lice and destroys nits completely. It is 100% natural and contains ingredients like neem oil, coconut oil perfectly blended with essential tea tree oils. With comb or brush all hair back (like that of Elvis Presley).
  3. Use a nit comb remover flat against the top of the hair. Comb all hair straight back from on the point of the scalp, all the way down to the ends. Wipe comb on towel each five strokes to examine for nits/lice. Comb the entire head. Adult lice or big lice ought to be pretty obvious if you discover them, however, you would like a decent nit comb to check for the nits.

Useful Tip:

  • For short/medium hair: Comb all hair to right, then to the left and so from back to front. Repeat.
  • For long hair: Partition hair in center and divide into right/left sections. Pull one aspect into a hairdo and comb the opposite aspect. Switch sides and repeat.

If you discover proof of nits/lice there are many choices for treatment. Sadly, over the counter treatments by big brands have lots of chemicals. They are successful in treating lice but chemicals can harm your scalp skin. There are cases where lice have become resistant to harsh chemicals and it has no effect on them. Lice-Nil is of best help to such individuals.

You can also buy natural lice treatment product, Lice-Nil, online from Amazon.com and Walmart.com. Make a decision to fight lice the natural way with Lice-Nil, lice eliminator oil.

What Cleaning Measures to Adopt after Head Lice Treatment?

After effective lice treatment, spending time and money on cleaning activites viz. house and fabrics is not necessary to avoid reinfestation by lice or nits. Read Here.

There is a typical misinterpretation about treating individuals and homes that have had contact with lice. The best way is to get them out of the house and to place everything in the home that is made of a fabrics in plastic packs for about fourteen days and have the furnishings and floor coverings, bed linens cleaned. A lot more, isn’t it?

Let us know what Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says about home cleaning when lice are discovered.
CDC states “Head lice doesn’t stay alive for long once it is falls off the scalp. They cant live as don’t get to feed on for more than 48 hours. Nits cannot hatch and die within seven days if they dont get a chance to be kept at indistinguishable temperature from that discovered near the human scalp. You don’t have to invest a great deal of energy or cash on house-cleaning exercises.”

A few useful steps for cleaning after lice treatment, by CDC:

Dry clothing, bed materials, and different things that the affected individual used about 2 days before treatment, should be soaked in hot water (130°F) Garments and things that are not launderable can be dry– cleaned or stored in a plastic bags for about fourteen days Soak brushes and combs in high temp water (approx 130°F) for 5– 10 minutes CDC suggests vacuuming the floor where the individual with lice has been

Lice-Nil is an all natural effective lice treatment oil. It destroys lice and nits after 20 minutes of application. Yes, you are saved from the major cleaning process. However, we recommend you to do it as a precautionary measure. You can check how Lice-Nil works here.

How to Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally?

Natural Ingredients, primarily Neem oil, are more effective head treatments than short-lived chemical lice treatments. Read How to get rid of lice and nits now.

Since you are a rational person, you would possibly already know that natural remedies measure higher and continually recommended and preferred over chemical remedies. Same is the case with fighting lice infestation. Natural treatments work higher and absolute that win over the modern chemical ones.

How Chemical Lice Treatment Works?

Typical chemical treatments work by entering into the louse (singular for lice) nervous system. A known fact that this does not have any effect on louse egg, as a result of they haven’t developed nervous systems yet. This then ends up in a half-cured lice eradication method. The nits are still not removed from hair. Also, chemical treatments have virtually no result on Super lice, because they have developed resistance to even the harshest of chemical treatments used for head lice treatment. The lice eggs then hatch to produce more lice and the cycle continues. The only way to get rid of nits is harsh n painful combing to remove nits stuck in hair. This doesn’t do the job well.

Lice-Nil - get rid of lice naturally

How Neem Oil Lice treatment Works?

Neem oil which is an extract which is oil pressed from seeds and fruits of Azadirachta indica tree. This powerful lice remedy is safe and 100% natural. It works by encapsulating and suffocating lice and even penetrates the aeropyles (tiny openings) at the top of lice eggs. This blocks the oxygen (O2) flow and forms Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas thwarts the expansion of the nits. This ends up in an entire lice life-cycle elimination. Thus, this is a great measure. This is how you can eliminate lice and nits.

Few Good to know facts of Neem Oil treatment:

Neem oil contains insecticidal ingredients stop the reproduction and further growth of head lice
Neem oil works wonders in ceasing swallowing systems of lice
Neem oil isn’t harsh on the skin and causes less irritation and skin sensation
Along with handling head lice, it helps to feature shine to your hair and moisturises your scalp

Lice-Nil : A Perfect Head Lice Remedy

Lice-Nil consists of neem extract and is an oil-based treatment. Lice-Nil once applied to the lice-infested hair, can encapsulate and suffocate each lice and eggs. The application time is as small as 20 minutes.
We would like to conclude that neem extract in Lice-Nil works effectively and naturally. Compared to common chemical lice remedies, Lice-Nil targets lice and their eggs to eliminate them and stop recurrences.

Absenteeism in Schools due to Head Lice and Effective Ways to Stop Them!

Let Us Discuss one of the best and worry-free measure for head lice treatment. To avoid absenteeism of kids in school due to lice, Read here.

Research says that every year around twelve million children miss schools on account of lice. The National Pediculosis Association (NPA), a group in Newton, Massachusetts recommends school to send parents of children letter like one specimen below if any of the child suffers or shows sign of lice infestation:

A case of head lice has been reported in your child’s group. Head lice continue to be one of the most prevalent communicable childhood diseases among children, and outbreaks are possible whenever and wherever children gather. Screen your child regularly and notify us immediately if head lice or their nits are detected. Working together helps protect all of children from lice infestation . Also, you can take best lice treatments for your own kid. Thank you for your co-operation.

absentism in school causes

However, simply by staying at home eliminate the lice or lead to head lice treatment. On the other hand, a student is losing his/her school days. Missing school can have a turnaround effect. It sets children up to fall behind within regular, elementary studies. Further, they have to cope up with additional difficult work of completing the missed studies and being in pace with the new one.

Common Signs of head lice in Children :

  • Tickling sensation of one thing is moving on head, in hair or on scalp
  • Sores develop from scratching itches
  • Constant irritation
  • Problem in sleeping
  • Bumps on head, shoulders, neck
  • The looks of white lice eggs or small pearly objects in hair

Head Lice Scenario in U.S.

One of the commonly known facts in US is head lice are second biggest nuisance causing absenteeism of children in school after common cold and flu. Head lice is a common nuisance in US cities, so there are many chemical infused oils and shampoos available online and in local markets. No doubt they do their job well, but also our kids are prone to side-effects caused due to usage of those. TO make things worse, lice have developed resistance to harmful chemicals that form an integral part of most ingredients in common unlisted lice remedies.

Effective measures to get rid of head lice for your kid :

Now, you found out that your kid has lice infestation? What are you going to do next? Use common chemical infused treatments or look for natural options for head lice treatment?

Worry no more as there is an all natural products that will not only kill lice but also eliminate lice eggs. A perfect blend of powerful natural ingredients of neem, Coconut, and Tea-tree oils is terribly effective against lice and nits. The product is chemical-free and has a profound effect than any other chemical lice product. Lice-Nil oil is most trusted lice eliminator oil. Only 20 minutes application will kill lice and desroy nits. From common lice to super lice, Lice-Nil effectively eliminates each louse and nit, in exactly one treatment.

So you’ve got an exquisite choice and a kind of natural hindrance for head lice. Use LiceNil and say ‘NO’ to unplanned school holidays, due to head lice.

Which are the Most Effective Natural Ingredients for Head Lice Treatment?

Neem Oil, Coconut Oil and Tea-Tree Oils are few Natural ingredients that are effective for head lice treatment. Read More Here.

Head Lice are the most unwelcomed and unwanted visitors in our home. They don’t bring anything yet a lot of pressure and distress. Anybody might want to probably keep an invasion by them in their hair. Individuals utilized characteristic and standard remedies for the treatment of lice before the cutting edge items were presented. The natural remedies for head lice treatment are the best til date.

Chemical Head Lice Treatment :

The items in the market contain synthetic and chemical substances. These demonstrate successful results at first, however, later they turn to have many side-effects harmful to humans. Due to this, majority of people quit the utilization of them. They again come back to normal items which are beneficial and donot pose any harm than the mistaken superior latest alternative.

Head Lice treatment

Here are few Natural ingredients that are effective for head lice treatment:

1) Neem Oil Lice Treatment :

Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, nimtree or Indian lilac is of prime importance when it comes to get rid of head lice naturally. It contains insecticidal properties that stops the multiplication and development of head lice. Neem controls lice from eating anything due to which head lice cannot srurvive and eventually dies.

2) Coconut Oil Lice Treatment:

Coconut oil has high-fat content and greasy nature. This makes lice to stick to hair follicles difficult. Thus, most of support for lice is gone. It additionally contains antibacterial quality, which repaairs the damage done by lice on scalp skin. Coconut oil is very thick when connected to the hair and scalp, which chokes out the lice, viably executing them and averting them to spread any further.

3) Tea-tree Oil Lice Treatment :

Tree-tea oil is a standout amongst the best and ordinarily accepted remedy to get rid of head lice. This oil contains a lot of germicidal properties that can adequately kill diverse kinds of microbes, stop their growth and infections, and protozoans. Because of its dense medicinal properties, it slaughters grown-up lice as well as deals with the eggs that have stay cliging onto human hair

Licenil is one such medical preparation that kills lice in just 20 minutes of its application. It is a quick, natural lice treatment which gives enduring results . Neem oil, coconut oil, and tea-tree oils are perfectly blended in required proportions, that crush lice issues totally. The product being made of natural ingredients, is chemical- free and keeps one away from side-effects.